Pro Sheffield Removals
These conditions explain the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all parties to this Agreement. Where we use the word ‘You’ or ‘Your ’ it means the Customer: ‘We’, ‘Us’ or ‘Our ’ means the Remover. These terms and conditions can be varied or amended subject to prior written agreement.
1 Our Quotation
Our Quotation is valid for 3 months from the date of issue. Unless already included in Our Quotation, reasonable additional charges may apply in the following circumstances:
1.1 If the work is carried out outside agreed hours at your request.
1.2 We have to collect or deliver goods at your request above or below the agreed floor levels.
1.3 Additional disassembly and/or assembly of furniture is required not provided in original quote.
1.4 If you request collection or access to your goods from a different location to originally agreed.
1.5 We supply any additional services, including moving or storing extra goods.
1.6 The entrance or exit to the premises, stairs, lifts or doorways are inadequate for free movement of the goods or we are unable to load and/or unload within 20 meters of the doorway (does not apply to properties previously assessed by one of our representatives).
1.7 We have to pay parking or other fees or charges including fines where you have not arranged agreed suspension of parking restrictions in order to carry out services on Your behalf. For the purpose of this Agreement parking fines for illegal parking, caused by Our negligence, are not fees or charges and You are not responsible for paying them.
1.8 There are delays or events outside our reasonable control which increase or extend the resources or time allowed to complete the agreed work. The removal team are entitled to a total 30-minute break if the job exceeds 4 hours. This is to ensure their safety and work is carried out with due care as they are only humans and not robots.
1.9 You agree to pay any reasonable charges arising from the above circumstances.
2 Work not included in the quotation
Unless agreed prior to commencement, we will not:
2.1 Take apart equipment with the exception of disassembling furniture.
2.2 Dismantle or re-assemble appliances, fixtures or fittings.
2.3 Take up floor coverings.
2.4 Move items from or to a loft, unless safe access is provided with a correctly fitted loft ladder and loft flooring and fully agreed in advance of the move.
3 Your responsibility – Goods not to be submitted for removal or storage
Unless previously agreed, the following items must not be submitted for removal or storage. You should make Your own arrangements for their transport and storage.
3.1 Potentially dangerous, damaging or explosive items, including gas bottles, aerosols, paints, firearms and ammunition.
3.2 Jewellery, watches, trinkets, precious stones or metals, money, deeds, securities, mobile telephones, portable media and computing devices, stamps, coins, or goods or collections of any similar kind unless agreed otherwise.
3.3 Goods likely to encourage vermin or other pests or to cause infestation or contamination.
3.4 Perishable items and/or those requiring a controlled environment unless being immediately moved to the new accommodation. We can’t be held responsible for any such items being in a non-consumable condition after removal.
3.5 Any animals, birds, fish or reptiles.
4. Charges if You postpone or cancel the removal
If the cancellation was made 72 hours before the appointed removal date then NO cancellation charges will apply unless: if the cancellation was made within 72 hours of the removal date then the cancellation charges will apply;
4.1 We have paid for and ordered materials in relation to this job. You may keep the materials in these circumstances.
4.2 We have incurred costs as a result of setting up the job.
4.3 You cancel when our team are on their way to a job.
4.4 In the above circumstances, cost prices only without profit are charged.
4.5 If the agreement was an hourly rate, then Hourly Rate Cancellation Fee – 2 Hours plus VAT (Excluding Deposit)
4.6 If the agreement was a fixed rate, then Fixed Rate Cancellation Fee – 25% of agreed fixed price (Excluding Deposit)
4.7 The deposit is non-deductible and non-refundable. Please note: All prices are subject to VAT.
5. Client responsibility
5.1 You must be present or represented throughout the entire collection and delivery of the removal unless otherwise agreed. We shall NOT be held responsible for items left behind should this not be adhered to. If you must leave early prior to the completion of loading, any items to be taken must be provided in writing to our team.
5.2 Take all reasonable steps to ensure that nothing that should be removed is left behind and nothing is taken away in error.
5.3 Arrange proper protection for goods left in unoccupied or unattended premises, or where other people such as tenants or workmen are, or will be present.
5.4 Prepare adequately all appliances or electronic equipment prior to their removal.
5.5 Empty, properly defrost and clean refrigerators and deep freezers unless previously agreed otherwise. We are not responsible for the contents.
5.6 Ensure that all domestic and garden appliances, including but not limited to washing machines, dish washers, hose pipes, petrol lawn mowers are disconnected, clean and dry and have no residual fluid left in them.
5.7 Provide Us with a correct and up to date contact address and telephone number during removal transit and/or storage of goods.
5.8 Notify us of any extremely heavy items so we can prepare for this prior to commencement of the job. This includes moderately heavy items that are required to move up or down stairs, such as large wardrobes. If we feel moving any items is a health and safety risk, we reserve the right not to move them.
5.9 Prepare adequately all fragile items as so they are safe for transit unless you have requested a packing or wrapping service. This includes not overfilling boxes (if you are packing) and not using oversized boxes.
5.10. Guide our staff directly at delivery to ensure the items are placed in the correct locations. We cannot be held liable for any items placed in an incorrect location after our team has left. It is up to the client to check this prior to our team leaving.
5.11. Notify us in advance for any high value or sentimental goods, so we may take suitable steps during the move to take particular care of these items.
6 Payment
6.1 Unless otherwise agreed by Us in writing, payment is required as per the agreed payment schedule. We reserve the right to refuse to commence removal or storage until such payment is received.
6.2 In respect of all sums which are overdue to us, we reserve the discretionary right to add interest on a daily basis calculated at 4% per annum above the prevailing base rate for the time being of the Bank of England.
6.3 Hourly Rate Policy – The initial payment must be made when the removal team arrives at the pick-up location. The remaining payment must be made before the completion of the job.
6.4 If it exceeds 10 minutes of the half hour then the 0.5-hour charge will apply.
6.5 If it exceeds 40 minutes of the hour then the 1-hour charge will apply.
6.6 Fixed Price Policy – The full payment must be made when the removal team arrives at the pick-up location.
6.7 If the full payment is not made on the removal day, then a reminder will be sent via email and SMS for the payment. If the payment is not received within 10 days of the removal date then the daily surplus charges will apply and will be added until the final amount is paid. The daily surplus charge is £15 plus VAT. (This charge will apply from the removal date)
6.8 We reserve the right to withhold your goods and to not offload until the full payment is made.
6.9 If you choose to pay by card over the phone then additional 3% is automatically applied to cover the transaction fees.
7 Inventory
7.1. We offer You the opportunity to carry out an inventory before the commencement of a move. This can be used to determine any pre-existing damages to your items, which enables a much easier identification of any new damages after a move. There can be occasions where it may not be clear at what point the damage to an item has occurred.
8 Damage to premises or property other than goods
Because third party contractors or others are frequently present at the time of collection or delivery it is not always possible to establish who was responsible for loss or damage, therefore Our liability is limited as follows:
8.1 If We cause loss or damage to premises or property other than goods for removal as a result of our negligence or breach of contract, our liability shall be limited to making good the damaged area only.
8.2 If We cause damage as a result of moving goods under Your express instruction, against our advice or where a high level of risk has been identified and made aware to you, (where moving the goods in the manner instructed is likely to cause damage), We shall not be liable.
8.3 If We are responsible for causing damage to Your premises or to property other than goods submitted for removal and/or storage, you must notify us as soon as practically possible after the damage occurs or is discovered or in any event within a reasonable time. This is fundamental to the Agreement.
9 Damage to goods
9.1 There can be occasions where disputes occur as to whether items have been damaged in transit or if they were previously damaged prior to a move. Where is can’t be indisputably determined at what point the damage occurred, we can’t be held liable.
9.2 If we cause any indisputable purely cosmetic damages such as scratches, a suitable compensation amount will be agreed up to a maximum of £50 per item, 10% the value of the move or 10% of the value of the item, whichever is lowest. For low value and previously damages items, the amount will be lower. For cosmetic damages, we do not agree to replace the item in its entirety. For previously damages items, the amount will be significantly lower. For cosmetic damages, we do not agree to replace the item and its entirety. Cosmetic damages cannot be claimed under our goods in transit For damages where the item is unusable (for example, broken glass), A replacement item will be arranged either directly through us or via our Insurance. The only exception being if the customer was responsible in advance for protection of the item, and failed to do so prior to the move. Examples include large paintings or mirrors.
9.3. Disassembly/reassembly: when items are taken apart and reassembled, there can never be a guarantee it will be as it was before. Consequently, we may need to take measures to strengthen the item in any way we deem suitable after the reassembly. The customer shall understand this may cause issues when disassembling the item again in the future.
9.4 Alleged damage to any item/good is frequently found, on inspection, to be wear and tear. Please note that items are susceptible to damage despite due care being taken during loading, handling, stowing, storing, and discharge, and terminal operations. Carriers shall not accept such wear and tear and such “handling damage” as a valid claim.
9.5 It is our responsibility to deliver your goods to you, or produce them for your collection, undamaged. By “undamaged” we mean that we were contracted for a packing service and have undertaken the responsibility to pack your goods, so in the same condition as they were in at the time when they were packed by our workforce. Otherwise, if it was self-packed and not by our workforce, we will not be liable for any damages before, during and after transportation due to the insufficient or improper packaging of goods by the client. This also includes any goods in wardrobes, drawers or appliances, or in a package, bundle, carton, case or other container not both packed and unpacked by us. Also, Loss of or damage to china, glassware and fragile items unless they have been both professionally packed and unpacked by us or our Subcontractor.
10. Insurance
10.1 The limits of our goods in transit insurance is £50,000 per vehicle load. If your items are at a higher value than this, we must be made aware prior to the commencement of the move. Claims via our insurance cannot be made for cosmetic damages. Where an item is damaged beyond repair, we may decide to reimburse directly rather than via insurance.
10.2. The limit of our public liability insurance is £1,000,000.
10.3 It is your responsibility to ensure your items/goods are covered by purchasing our insurance which covers up to £50,000 worth of goods. Please note that if you do not purchase our GIT insurance cover then your goods are not covered and likewise you will be responsible for the goods.
11. Exclusions of liability
Other than as a result of Our negligence or breach of contract We will not be liable for any loss, damage or failure to produce the goods as a result of:
11.1 Normal wear and tear, natural or gradual deterioration, leakage or evaporation or from perishable or unstable goods. This includes goods left within furniture or appliances.
11.2 Items not able to fit within a normal access point or door due to the item being oversize.
11.3 Cleaning, repairing or restoring unless We arranged for the work to be carried out.
11.4 Changes caused by atmospheric conditions such as dampness, mould, mildew, rusting, tarnishing, corrosion, or gradual deterioration unless directly linked to ingress of water.
11.5 For any goods in wardrobes, drawers or appliances, or in a package, bundle, carton, box, case or other container not both packed and unpacked by Us. An exception can be if the goods are unpacked in our presence and found to be damaged.
11.6 For electrical or mechanical derangement to any appliance, instrument, clock, computer or other equipment unless there is evidence of related external damage.
11.7 For any goods which have a pre-existing defect or are inherently defective
11.8 For perishable items and/or those requiring a controlled environment.
11.9 Loss of structural integrity of furniture constructed of particle board resulting from crumbling of the board.
11.10 No employee of Ours shall be separately liable to you for any loss, damage, mis delivery, errors or omissions under the terms of this Agreement.
11.11 Where goods are handed out from store, Our liability will cease upon handing over the goods to you.
12 Time limit for claims
12.1. When You collect the goods, We must be notified in writing of any damage at the time of collection. Consequently, we suggest to check your items fully before our team leaves. Our team will be happy to check the items with you. We cannot be held responsible for any items found damage after we leave the premises.
12.2 For any missing items, we must be made aware of this within 24 hours of the move. We may agree to extend this time limit to 7 days upon request.
13 Delays in transit
13..1 Other than by reason of Our negligence or breach of contract, we will not be liable for delays in transit.
13.2 If through no fault of ours We are unable to deliver Your goods, we will take them into storage. The Agreement will then be fulfilled and any additional service(s), including storage and delivery, will be at Your expense.
13.3 Any transit times quoted by Us are estimated and based upon information known to Us at the time. Transit times may vary due to a number of factors outside Our control including but not limited to changes in sailing or departure dates made by the freight/shipping company, changes in the routes used by the freight/shipping company and port congestion. We will advise You of any material changes to the transit times as soon as We become aware. We will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by You as a result of delays in transit time unless directly attributable to Our negligence or breach of contract.
13.4 We always give a 3-hour time slot for arrival. The reason being as this could vary due to previous job commitments and other unforeseen circumstances on the day. Please be patient if you do expect delays from our side and be rest assured that we will arrive, as we always honour the job.
14 Our right to sub-contract the work
14.1 We reserve the right to sub-contract some or all of the work. If We sub-contract, then these conditions will still apply. 14.2 We have the right to choose the method and route by which to carry out the work and the location.
14.3 Unless it has been specifically agreed otherwise in writing in our Quotation, other space/volume/capacity on Our vehicles and/or the container may be utilised for consignments of other customers.