Frequently Asked Questions
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions.
Asked Questions!
Is it cheaper to hire a moving company in Sheffield, UK?
When you move house in Sheffield, you want the process to go as smoothly as possible. That’s why you investigate moving companies. A professional service is undoubtedly a huge help; however, it also requires a small investment upfront. What many potential customers wonder is, is it worth it? In the end, is it cheaper to hire a moving company or to go it alone, and which is the best approach?
We would always recommend hiring a professional removals service. Although it could technically be “cheaper” to do it alone, moving home is a big job. It requires a lot of work. You may end up taking time off your own work to try and handle it, which represents a financial loss. In addition, you’ll need to hire a van. When you consider these costs, it makes sense to pay a little more to enjoy the support of a professional moving company.
You’ll be glad you paid the cost of a moving company in Sheffield when it comes to moving day. Imagine the amount of organisation and labour that would be required otherwise!
How do I choose a removal company in Sheffield, UK?
Our company in Sheffield has been called at the last minute on more than one occasion to rescue a failed DIY house move. Make sure you’re not the next! Commit just now to hiring a professional removal company to handle your move. Now you’ve made that decision, it’s time for the next: which company should you choose? Undoubtedly you’ve already realised that there are several options operating in the local area.
It’s understandable to feel a little nervous about choosing the right company. After all, a house move is important, and you don’t want to trust everything you own to the wrong team. It’s not a decision that should be rushed into carelessly. At the same time, you don’t want to agonise over it either — you probably have other things on your mind if you’re moving house!
We’d recommend asking around your contacts for recommendations for a removals company. Many of our customers arrive at our service this way. It can provide great peace of mind to hire a company that’s been recommended by a trusted source. If your friend is raving about an amazing Sheffield removals company, it makes sense to give them a try. Local customers love us!
How much does it cost to move a 3 bedroom house in Sheffield, UK?
Maybe you assume that removals companies can provide a quotation simply based on the detail that you live in a 3 bedroom house. In reality, it’s a little more complex than that. Any company that claims to offer a fixed rate based on that information may end up charging you for additional services later down the line. Rather than do that, we have a quick chat to get all the details we need for an accurate quotation.
It makes sense that different houses receive different quotations. Do you have the exact same furniture as your next door neighbour? In one 3 bedroom house, there might be a double bed. In another 3 bedroom house, there might be 3! To move these requires more manpower and more time. That’s why your quote would be more in that scenario.
Another factor we take into consideration is the distance you are moving. Some people are moving just down the road; petrol costs don’t factor into their quotation significantly. Other people are moving to another town. Again, the price would increase for this job. One thing’s for sure, our quotes are affordable even for the larger and more complicated jobs. That’s what defines our Sheffield removals service!
How much are moving costs in Sheffield, UK?
It’s normal to feel a little stressed while planning your move. After all, you have to disrupt your home for a while, you may have to interact with real estate agents and lawyers, there is paperwork to complete, and that’s before you even think about money! We understand that you have a lot on your mind, but we’d advise you not to neglect reserving a removal service. It’s best to get that booked up as soon as possible.
Why? Because not every service is as affordable as ours is. You don’t want to be stuck with an overpriced service because you left it to the very last minute. The best way to reduce moving costs in Sheffield is to be organised and strategic. That means booking a fairly-priced removal service like ours whenever you confirm your moving date.
How much are local movers in Sheffield, UK?
Local movers in Sheffield charge different rates, so the price you’ll pay depends on the service that you choose. That’s why it’s crucial to do your homework and not simply accept the first quotation you receive, especially if you haven’t used a removal service in a long time. You may not be familiar with the average costs, and the last thing we want is for you to be overcharged for your Sheffield removal job.
What we’d recommend is checking online to see what other customers have said about their service. Look for reviews on third party sites, for example, to verify that their service is high quality and priced reasonably. That will save you some time calling around every single moving company in the Sheffield area.
Once you have a shortlist of potential removals companies with good reputations, you can call and ask for a quote. Removals firms are used to providing these with no obligation, so don’t feel pressured into making a booking. Simply say you’ll get back to them when you want to confirm. We’d be delighted to speak to you about your Sheffield removals needs!
How much do removal firms charge in Sheffield, UK?
The only way to know for sure what you’ll be charged for your Sheffield move is to ask for a quote from your chosen company. Different jobs have different prices. For example, our service offers student removals; these are small jobs that cost less than full house or office removals. We also offer a furniture removals service. This could be for just a couple of items of furniture, so it has a lower cost too.
As you’d expect, the size of the job plays a big part in determining its cost. It’s also important to choose a reputable removal company so you know you’re receiving a fair price. Take our company as a case study. We have been operating in Sheffield for decades now. If we were routinely overcharging customers, do you think we would have lasted that long?
Experience doesn’t just indicate trustworthiness; it also implies skills and knowledge. No bargain price can compensate for a terrible removal service. If they end up breaking something delicate or taking way too long to perform the job, you’ll wish you’d paid more for the right company. High quality doesn’t have to mean high cost, though! Our Sheffield removals company provides excellent value for money.
How much does it cost to move house in Sheffield, UK in 2023?
It’s a great idea to plan out your budget for your house move. Are you buying new furniture? Investing in a cleaning service? Painting the walls? All of this costs. So does moving day, whether you hire a professional removal service or not. We would always recommend that you do. Why spend money on a van and equipment then do all the work yourself? It simply makes sense to pay up for the team to make your day smooth and stressful.
The fact is that house removals require more than mere heavy lifting — although the heavy lifting part is definitely hard work for amateurs! They also require organisation and equipment. If you attempt a house move, you’ll soon realise that it’s a bigger job than you anticipated.
When figuring out the cost of your house move, make sure you budget for a professional removal service. You’ll be glad you did on moving day! And remember, it doesn’t have to be ridiculously expensive. Dependable, experienced removal services are available at a competitive price, and our Sheffield service is proof of that!
What is the cost of removal in Sheffield, UK?
The cost of removal in Sheffield depends on three main factors:
1. The size of the job.
Are you moving from a large house or a studio apartment? Do you own a lot of furniture or are you mainly moving small items? Your answers to these questions naturally have a big impact on the price that you’re quoted. When we say size, we also mean complexity. If you’re moving lots of delicate items (or one big one like a piano) that makes the job a little bigger for us. That will be reflected in the cost.
2. The distance you’re travelling.
If you’re moving across the country, that means our vans and our team will be occupied for a longer time. That’s no problem, and we’re used to handling this kind of job, but our time costs — just like any other service! So your final price will include this cost.
3. The company you choose.
Of course, your job will cost more if you choose a more expensive removal company than our affordable Sheffield service.